Early-Mid Career Researcher Fellowship

Early-Mid Career Researcher Fellowship


JDRF recognises the importance of supporting Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) for the acceleration of scientific progress in T1D. The Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network (T1DCRN), JDRF Australia’s main vehicle for funding research, is committed to empowering EMCRs through funding support and career development initiatives.

JDRF are dedicated to facilitating collaboration, quality mentorship, training, and professional development opportunities for EMCRs, to enable them to gain independence in research and establish themselves as leaders in T1D research.

JDRF also recognises that Australian basic EMCRs rely heavily on academia as their primary employment options, hence there is a need for more linkages between funders, universities and medical research institutions to better support career progression.


The Early and Mid-Career Basic Researcher Fellowship 2024

The Request for Applications (RFA): Early and Mid-Career Basic Researcher Fellowship 2024 will provide support to emerging scientists within 12 years post PhD experience who are engaged in T1D research.

This initiative aims to bolster the awardee’s research capacity and is designed to cultivate independent research concepts with a focus on translational potential.

The Fellowship has a key focus on high-quality mentorship for the Fellows. This extends beyond immediate supervisors and collaborators, encompassing expertise from diverse backgrounds, including those outside of the T1D field and even from the industry, and other professional networks.


The funding opportunity

This is a part-time research Fellowship, designed to offer flexible arrangements to accommodate research commitments. Successful applicants are required to present a research project with strong translational potential that they will engage with throughout the duration of the Fellowship.

Reflecting the focus on mentor-mentee collaboration, proposals for this RFA should be backed by a Mentorship Plan involving at least two Mentors: one who is an established leader in basic or clinical T1D research, and one with expertise outside the T1D domain.

This Fellowship will provide funding for up to $135,000 in total for a period of up to two years. A maximum of three (3) Fellows will be awarded. Up to $120,000 in total can be contributed to the base salary component of the budget.


For Eligibility and other details, download the RFA


How to apply
Applications are to be submitted online using the online grants management system RMS360. For instructions on how to use the RMS360, please click here. 




Request for Applications 

Key Dates

  • Applications open: 6 September 2023 
  • Application deadline: 31 October 2023 
  • Award notification: January 2024 
  • Earliest Start: January 2024 

Contact personnel
For enquiries on strategic fit and resource access, please contact:

Auvro Mridha, PhD
Scientific Program Manager, JDRF Australia
0412 758 022 / amridha@jdrf.org.au

Dorota Pawlak, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer, JDRF Australia 
(02) 8364 0206 / dpawlak@jdrf.org.au