Our impact

Our mission is to improve lives today and tomorrow by accelerating life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat T1D and its complications.
Our community-powered drive to transform the way governments understand and invest in T1D is key to all we do. This has produced nearly half a billion dollars of new investment in T1D in Australia in the last 10 years.
As a direct result of this program, JDRF has helped deliver a T1D-focused policy in every election cycle since 2004, across both parties in government.
Read our 2023 report, the Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network: a decade of impact.
$30m for the JDRF Islet Transplantation Program.
$20m (to date) for the JDRF T1D Insulin Pump Program.
$5m to establish the Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network (T1DCRN).
$35m for the extension of the T1DCRN.
$54m for access to life changing T1D monitoring technology, continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).
$154m to extend access to CGMs.
$125 million for investment in translational diabetes and cardiovascular disease research.
$56 million for type 1 diabetes research sector, including further extension of the T1DCRN.
In the last financial year, our numbers highlight the impact and progression that JDRF has delivered, in partnership with the community.

$13 million
Invested in research

Studies and clinical trials funded

People involved in clinical trials

Needles avoided via the Insulin Pump Program

17.6 million
Finger pricks avoided via JDRF’s advocacy efforts that helped deliver the Government’s Continuous Glucose Monitoring Funding Initiative

Support and education packs (KIDSACs) delivered to newly diagnosed families

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