This project is testing the safety of SAB-142 when given to healthy volunteers and patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D). It is similar to an approved drug called Thymoglobulin. Thymoglobulin is being studied at doses up to 4.5 mg/kg for potential benefit in people who have T1D. As SAB-142 is a fully human antibody, SAB-142 […]
This trial will test two drugs, called abrocitinib and ritlecitanib. The trial will test whether these drugs can allow people newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) to keep producing their own insulin for longer. These two drugs are part of a drug family called ‘JAK inhibitors’.
The medicines Rituximab-pvvr and abatacept have both been shown to protect insulin-producing beta cells from immune attack, allowing people with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes (T1D) to continue producing their own insulin for longer. This trial will look at whether combining these two medicines is better at protecting beta cells from immune attack than rituximab-pvvr […]
JDRF Australia funds a program where family members of those with type 1 diabetes (T1D) can be screened for the early stages of the condition. Identifying if someone is in the early stages of T1D can bring about long-term health benefits. We previously thought that T1D starts shortly before (or when) people show the 4T […]
This study will explore the experiences and support needs of siblings of children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in Australia. What is involved? Online interviews will be conducted with both parents and siblings of children with T1D. Interviews will be scheduled according to the participants’ preferences. What are the benefits of participating? By participating, families […]
Researchers from the University of Sydney are interested in understanding the psychosocial impact of juvenile idiopathic arthritis or type 1 diabetes (T1D) in children. What is involved? You will answer a series of online questionnaires about yourself and your child. What are the benefits of participating? Your help will ensure we can begin to better […]
There are now many health devices that can be implanted into consumers’ bodies to help with the monitoring their health condition. These devices can communicate health data back to data storage devices where clinicians can review and act accordingly to help maintain consumers’ health. Such advances have raised questions about privacy and consent for the […]
This clinical trial is investigating whether fenofibrate, a drug used to lower cholesterol, can slow or reverse eye damage in adults with type 1 diabetes. Fenofibrate has been shown to slow eye damage in type 2 diabetes, and researchers are now investigating whether the same effect will be seen in T1D. This study has been […]