T1DCRN Milestones

2020 —
Australia’s first population screening program for T1D is announced – one of only three in the world to screen people without a family history of T1D for islet autoantibodies. In the same year, researchers at St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne announce the BANDIT study – a clinical trial of a drug with the potential to slow or reverse the onset of T1D.
2019 —
Once again, the government recognises the impact of the work of JDRF’s T1DCRN, awarding $25m to continue the work of the network. A bipartisan commitment is made to fully fund the T1DCRN following the next election.
2017 —
Emphasis is placed on innovation through interdisciplinary $4.5m collaborations to broaden current approaches to cure and treatments, ensuring no stone is left unturned in the fight against T1D.
2016 —
With over $14m allocated for clinical trials and over $3m leveraged from international partners, the T1DCRN expands again with a further $4m awarded. The new funding goes towards including more sites for ADDN and increased support for studies looking at nephropathy and the progression of T1D.
2015 —
The Environmental Determinants of Islet Autoimmunity (ENDIA) study begins – the world’s first study recruiting pregnant women and following their babies into childhood to find the cause of T1D.
2014 —
In a clear sign of the value and impact of the T1DCRN, the government invested $35m in its continuation through the Australian Research Council. The support of innovative grants grows, including in areas such as brain function and the role of vitamin C in eye health – with the view to these studies growing into larger clinical trials.
2013 —
The initial $5m is completely allocated. In this year, nine pilot and innovation grants are also awarded in diverse areas such as eye health and T1D, the value of exercise and machine intelligent systems.
2012 —
The first Mentored Clinician Researcher Fellowships were awarded to attract the best and brightest early-career clinicians to train in type 1 diabetes clinical research.
2011 —
The first three large-scale clinical projects are funded by the T1DCRN: the Australasian Diabetes Data Network (ADDN), a clinical trial evaluating a predictive low-glucose suspend system, and an Australian arm of the global REMOVAL Study on metformin and its effect on blood vessels in the eye and kidney.
2010 —
The Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network (T1DCRN) was formed, supported with a $5m grant from the Australian Federal government.
2009 —
JDRF, in partnership with scientists and clinician-researchers, developed the JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Research Agenda. The Agenda underlined the need for research funding and increased connectivity among the global research community – to boost outcomes for patients.

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