MP Profile: A JDRF Q&A with Michelle Landry MP
Meeting with MPs is the most essential element in delivering effective advocacy and better outcomes for the T1D community. We got in touch with Michelle Landry MP, Federal Member for Capricornia in QLD to learn about the first time she met with her JDRF advocate, Chelsea. Read the full Q&A below.

Can you tell us about your first meeting with JDRF or advocate and what did you learn?
My first meeting was with Chelsea Line and her Mum, Bec. Chelsea had sent me an email saying that she would love to catch up so she could tell me about her struggles with diabetes. We caught up for breakfast in Moranbah. Chelsea dosed up on her insulin so she could have a special treat of pancakes for breakfast. Over breakfast I learnt about the challenges people with type 1 diabetes face.
Why are these constituent meetings valuable to you?
Meeting face to face with constituents is something I really liked to do. Meeting someone like Chelsea makes you realise the struggle people have on a daily basis with their health problems. It is a family effort to keep Chelsea well. Chelsea would have to be one of the most gorgeous people I have ever met. Full of passion, joy and wanting to help others.
What advice do you have for JDRF advocates?
My advice is to keep on lobbying politicians and health organisations who can help you. Often, we do not realise the implications of an illness until we meet people and hear their story.
What do you think makes JDRF unique?
I think JDRF is a great organisation that assists the person with the illness but also offers support to the family. People like Chelsea are given great opportunities to meet the policy makers in Canberra.
Tell us one thing people might not know about you?
When I was younger, I played a lot of tennis and was very good at water skiing.
If I wasn’t an MP I would be…
Something I always wanted to do was join the military. I think they do a fantastic job, and it is a great career.