Will you help make DOUBLE the difference to people living with type 1 diabetes, like Charlie?

Charlie spent most of his childhood living with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Diagnosed at just two years of age, the condition impacted his experience of growing up in so many ways.

“I remember lots of doctor’s visits, trips to the hospital and needles,” he says. “That’s not much fun for a little kid.” 

“I had a pretty tough time at school,” he says. “It was really hard to concentrate when my blood sugar levels were low. I was also really into sport, especially soccer. But having to constantly manage my blood sugar levels made it really hard to play. 

Please donate to help ease the burden of T1D on children and young people like Charlie

Dr Kirstine Bell from the University of Sydney and her team are piloting a screening program for T1D in children that they plan to scale up and roll out across Australia.

Dr Bell says screening and early diagnosis can make a lifechanging difference to young people like Charlie and their families.

“Screening gives us the opportunity to delay T1D’s onset, minimise its impact, and potentially even prevent it from developing altogether. 

“By identifying T1D sooner and connecting families into care and support before symptoms develop, we can lower the risk of it developing into serious medical complications.”

Will you donate today to help fund research that will improve life for people like Charlie and put a T1D cure closer within reach?


Please support world leading T1D research

Make a tax-deductible donation here. All donations before 30 June are DOUBLED.

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