Increasing Access to CGM: Your Questions Answered
The announcement on the 2nd of February 2020 regarding changes to the CGM program brought good news to many people living with type 1 diabetes. However, there are a number of questions you contacted us with regarding these changes and what they mean for you.
With this in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to clarify the announcement and answer some of your questions:
Q) What is JDRF’s position on CGM?
A) JDRF is committed to ensuring people with T1D have access to any and all technology that can help make management of T1D safer and easier and be able to make an informed choice of the best option for them alongside their healthcare professional. For that reason, we have been a strong advocate of access to CGM for many years and played a key role in developing the Diabetes Coalition, which lobbied government for the first round of funded CGMs. We continue to advocate for the value and importance of technology so that Government understands and sees the importance of a wide range of current and emerging diabetes technologies.
Q) What is JDRF doing to help gain access to new technologies?
A) JDRF are working with our partners, advocating politically and to the Department of Health, capturing evidence of benefit and impact, and continuing to invest in showing the value of technology. Additionally, through JDRF’s Australasian Diabetes Data Network registry (ADDN) and other programs we continue to develop evidence that underlines the value and clinical benefit of technology, which is key to any future funding ask.
Q) I fall into the group of people who don’t qualify for CGM currently. What are you doing for me?
A) We remain determined to enable access to technology for all in whatever way is best suited to their individual needs. To that end we are continuing our work to actively remind and persuade government of the proven power of technologies in the management of T1D. We are working also with the Government and the Department of Health to develop access pathways (helping novel technologies get assessed and funded), not just for the technology that exists today but also the technology that will change the lives of people with T1D tomorrow and into the future.
Q) Are you actively lobbying the government for CGM access for over 21s?
A) Absolutely and consistently. The most recent announcement was another step in the right direction, but we know our job in this area is not yet done. Our focus will remain on reminding government that technology provides a vital role in managing T1D and that this access should be made available to all. It is only through this approach that we will see long-term impact and an understanding that technology plays a vital role in the lives of people with T1D.