Access For All

JDRF's #AccessForAll campaign helped secure a $271.3M bipartisan commitment to subsidise Continuous and Flash Glucose Monitors for all Australians living with type 1 diabetes.

Access For

More technology for more people

Life-saving and life-changing technologies to measure blood glucose and deliver insulin in response to need are the foundation of type 1 diabetes (T1D) treatment and care in the 21st century. 

JDRF believes that no Australian living with T1D should have to worry about how they will afford this technology. It is not acceptable, equitable or justifiable that access to these technologies is dictated by age or wealth rather than need and benefit.   

That’s why we are thrilled JDRF’s #AccessForAll campaign helped secure a bipartisan commitment of $273.1 million for continuous and flash glucose monitors to be subsidised for all of Australia’s type 1 diabetes (T1D) community. This means that:

  • CGM and flash glucose monitoring devices will be available under the National Diabetes Services Scheme for those aged 21 and older who don’t already have access from 1 July 2022 for a maximum co-contribution of $32.50 per month.
  • People who meet the existing eligibility criteria such as under 21s, concession card holders and pregnant women or those planning pregnancy will continue to receive unchanged, fully subsidised access to CGM and Flash Glucose Monitoring products.

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