Websites and resources for adults living with T1D

Check out a helpful list of websites and resources mentioned in Straight to the Point, our must-have guide for adults living with type 1 diabetes (T1D).
Articles and videos about living with T1D
- Information for newly diagnosed adults
- Latest T1D news and articles
- Accessing mental health support
- Complications of living with T1D
- Exercise and T1D (videos)
- HbA1C tests and time in range
- Hyperglycaemia
- Hypoglycaemia
- T1D tech and devices (videos)
Other handy resources
- Free T1D books, downloads and our podcast
- Our T1Dictionary, with explanations of common T1D terms
- Our T1Directory, with links to helpful organisations and resources
- Our events calendar, with free online talks, fundraising events and more
Diabetes organisations
- JDRF Australia
- Australian Diabetes Educators Association
- Australian Diabetes Society (ADS)
- Diabetes Australia
- DiaTribe
- International Diabetes Federation
- National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS)
- NDSS Diabetes Youth Zone
Government agencies
- Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
- Australian Government Private Health Insurance Ombudsman (with private health cover comparison tool)
- Australian Government Smart Travel
- Medicare (or phone 13 20 11)
- National Disability Insurance Agency

Online communities
Online groups can offer lots of support and helpful advice. You can also check out JDRF’s peer support program.
- JDRF Australia’s group for adults with T1D
- JDRF Australia’s group for teens and young adults up to 24 with T1D
- JDRF International’s forum
- You can also search on Facebook to find your local and state-based groups
Health and lifestyle
- Calorie King Australia (carbohydrate and nutrition listings)
- Coeliac Australia
- Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA)
- The University of Sydney’s Glycemic Index Research (including GI database)
- Traffic Light Carbohydrate Counter
- You can also search for carb counters on the App Store and Google Play
Pregnancy and birth

Your mental wellbeing
Many of these organisations offer phone support and online chat options. Visit their websites to learn more.
- Beyond Blue
- Black Dog Institute
- Butterfly Foundation (support for eating disorders and body image issues)
- Lifeline
- SANE Australia
Especially for teens and young adults: