JDRF advocates

$6.5 million committed to JDRF Australia’s Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network in Federal Budget

May 15, 2024

JDRF Australia is today welcoming $6.5 million in funding for the continuation of its Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network (CRN), confirmed in the Albanese Government’s Federal Budget last night.

The CRN is a critical vehicle for type 1 diabetes (T1D) research funding in Australia and has been accelerating T1D research advancements in Australia for over a decade.

The new funding commitment will support the continuation of projects funded through the CRN that are already underway and are at a crucial stage for their progress.

The Minister for Health and Aged Care, Hon Mark Butler MP, said the funding commitment would continue to improve lives for Australians with T1D:

JDRF’s Clinical Research Network is proven, successful, and well-regarded. It has already delivered fantastic outcomes for people with type 1 diabetes and put Australia on the map as a global leader in this field.

The Albanese Government is pleased to ensure the ongoing operation of this important Network with this commitment, and is confident this decision will see further progress made for all Australian families impacted by the chronic condition.

JDRF advocate, Maya, presenting Minister for Health, Mark Butler, with a hand-written letter.

Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler MP, with JDRF advocate Maya and her mum.

The CRN has made significant inroads towards JDRF’s vision of a world without T1D since its inception 10 years ago. Some of the research currently funded includes the Type 1 Diabetes National Screening Pilot, which hopes to establish T1D screening for every child in Australia, and projects operating within the Australasian Type 1 Diabetes Immunotherapy Collaborative (ATIC), aiming to make a clinical trial and eventually treatments available for every person diagnosed with T1D in Australia.

Without the newly announced funding, projects such as these were at risk as current funding runs to completion. This would have had significant ramifications on the projects’ ability to deliver outcomes for the T1D community.

JDRF Australia CEO, Mike Wilson OAM, has thanked the Government for its support:

This announcement is testament to the Government’s support of the type 1 diabetes community and means that the groundbreaking and potentially life-changing research that is already underway can continue.

We know this investment will help us make a difference for the 130,000 Australians already living with type 1 diabetes and the eight more diagnosed each day.

Mr Wilson also says this commitment was only possible thanks to the work of JDRF’s advocates:

This funding is a direct result of the conversations JDRF’s amazing advocates have had with decisions makers around the country, talking to them about life with type 1 diabetes and the importance of research funding. Their dedication made this result possible, and we express our deepest gratitude for that.

JDRF advocate, Maya, presenting a letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, thanking him for his support for type 1 diabetes research.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese with JDRF advocate, Maya, thanking him for the Budget committment.  

To learn more about the research supported through the CRN, click here.

To learn more about JDRF’s advocacy program, click here.